Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Assignment 12

Think about the technology you have learned about this semester. Write about your favorite teaching tool concerning technology and explain why.

I think that my favorite thing we have learned about this semester would have to be blogging. We have had so many opportunities to see how blogging can better a classroom. We have had the opportunity to visit class blogs and individual blogs of teachers and students of every age.

I think that it is important for students to feel like they can express their creativity for the world to see. Through blogging, they can communicate with other people and have people give them insight. Blogging even includes the parents. Parents are able to access their children's school work by visiting the class blog or the student's individual blog. I think this is important because the parent does not feel like they are in the dark when it comes to the classroom. If they have a concern they can check the blogs and make an appointment with the teacher if they have further questions.

I think blogging has the capability of bringing everyone closer. No one feels like it is a waste of time. I can say this due to the individual student blogs I have read this semester. These students really get into these blogging assignments. They show their creativity, and you can really see them strive toward their goals. It is a great thing to see!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sounds like a good assignment! I would have to say my favorite part of this class would be the blog. As a teacher I think it would be awesome to have my own blog for all of my students to look at! I could post assignments, podcasts, videos, or anything else that could help my students outside of school. I could post useful links for studying or provide sick students with assignments. I think a blog is an awesome idea!
