Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Assignment 11

Ms. Cassidy is a teacher who is very open to technology. One of her teaching tools that I have found useful is blogging. She has a classroom blog, and her students blog to express their creativity. I, honestly, started this class thinking that blogging was pointless. However, my opinion has changed dramatically. Blogging can do a number of things in the classroom. Ms. Cassidy talked about how her students loved blogging because they knew that people from all over the world could see their work and comment on their work. They like sharing. It makes them feel accomplished. The parents also are able to access what their students are doing at any point. I think blogging makes everyone feel involved in the classroom.

I think it is very helpful that Ms. Cassidy has a technology coordinator to back her up and help her talk to administrators and her superintendent. She had said that some of the administrators that she had been around never discouraged her use of technology, but were not really very interested. Some people in the world of education seem to be turned off by the use of technology. They do not see how useful it can be. I guess some people just do not welcome change. I think we need to try to open people up to technology. Sometimes just a taste of it can change a person's mind.


  1. "I, honestly, started this class thinking that blogging was pointless. However, my opinion has changed dramatically." That was our intention.

    "I guess some people just do not welcome change. I think we need to try to open people up to technology. Sometimes just a taste of it can change a person's mind." it appears to me that you prove the point!

  2. I agree that it would help more teacher integrate technology into their classrooms if they had more support from the faculty. Without someone backing them up or encouraging him/her, the teacher could find himself/herself to be more inclined to give up or to give an half-hearted effort.
