Sunday, December 5, 2010

C4K Summary 8-11

Students raising their hands.

I have, once again, had the privilage of following some great kids.

C4K #8
Ryan Rich from Bryant High School posted about a piece of artwork that he created. He created a tapestry of the USS Alabama. I told him that when you put so much effort into something like this, it really shows how much you enjoy what you are doing. This young man is very creative, and I hope he continues working with art.

C4K #9
Emily is a 6th grade student from Australia. She created a post in which she talked about a series of digital stories they were watching called "Inanimate Alice." She talked about some of the episodes and gave a background to the stories. I told her that her interest in digital stories really shines through. I told her that it was great that she had her own ideas about what might be happening in the next episodes of the story. I also told her that a great way to show that you are interested in something is to ask questions.

C4K #10
Amy is a student of Mrs. Huebner. She created a post in which she explained what she learned from a class in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She explained what type of school they talked to and some interesting characteristics about the school. She also explained that they talked to this class through Skype. I told her that it sounded like she was very interested in Skype. I also told her that Skype is a great tool to use to talk to other people

C4K #11
Yasmine is a student of Mr. St. Pierre. She created a post about riding a horse in Tunisia. She explained that this was an Anglo-Arab horse. I told her that I think that it is great to be so passionate about something. She seems to be really interested in horses.

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